Happy New Year everyone!  It’s been a month since my last blog post but I have a very good reason for that!  My parents and brother came to London for the Christmas break and so I put my laptop away for a few weeks and had the best time exploring and experiencing a London Christmas! Below are some of my favourite pictures from their visit 🙂

I cannot believe it’s 2016.  Last year flew by and was one of the biggest and most life changing years of my life.  I got married, moved to London, started a new job, a blog, and my own TpT store! 
While 2015 was a year of new beginnings, I hope for 2016 to be a year of personal achievement and success in my personal and professional life.  I never make real New Years Resolutions but this year I have real goals and things that I want to accomplish and so in order to make myself accountable I’m going to share them with all of you!

1. Blog more regularly! 

I’ve been blogging for around three months now and when I began the blog I was writing one blog a week.  As you may have noticed, my posts became a little more erratic as time went on and while some weeks I blogged multiple times and other weeks, I didn’t blog at all.  My goal for 2016 is to try and blog at least once a week.  

2. Grow my Teachers Pay Teachers store

For those readers who don’t know what TpT is, it is an online marketplace for professionals who work in Education to buy and sell digital products that they have created. Over the last few months since I opened my TpT store, I’ve learned so much!  The types of products that I have been making have evolved and I’m learning about the power of social media, making connections, supporting other sellers and taking part in sales.  I want to continue my TpT journey, add many more products to my store, and achieve the personal sales goals that I set for myself each month.  

3. Be more efficient with report writing

I tend to spend a lot of time worrying about small details and perfecting all of my reports.  Reports are a reflection of me as a Speech and Language Therapist and while I want to continue to keep the quality of my reports high, I do think that I can use my time more efficiently when writing reports and thereby have more time for the fun parts of my job!

4. Make time for physical wellness

When I first moved to London and I didn’t have a job, I was doing yoga, going to the gym, and swimming regularly.  After I started work, these activities slowly dropped from my life and it’s been a while now since I’ve done any form of strenuous physical activity!  I resolve to make more time for activities that I love such as yoga and swimming and also to ensure that my husband and I are eating well-balanced meals on a regular basis. 

5. Explore new places

I love travelling to new places and my husband and I both hope to plan more weekend getaways, city breaks, and family reunions this year around the world this year.  I can’t wait!

UK Blog Awards

While not a resolution, the first exciting project of 2016 for me will be taking part in the UK Blog Awards! 
The UK Blog Awards are an annual competition for Individual and Company Blogs and although I am very new to the blogging world, I thought I would enter and see what happens!  I have joined as an Individual Blog in the ‘Education’ and ‘Health and Social Care’ categories.  
I would LOVE to become a finalist in the competition and I need your help! I would like to ask all of my readers to please please PLEASE click on the link below and vote for my blog. You can vote once per day so please vote as often as you can! 🙂 
Thank you!
Happy New Year!