Ahoy matey!
One of my favourite pastimes is perusing the internet for creative and fun therapy ideas. My main go-tos are other speech blogs, Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers! The ideas that other SLPs share always inspire me. While people may find preparing materials for therapy time-consuming and tedious, I usually enjoy it. I love crafting therapy materials and there is something about laminating that really relaxes me! (Sad, I know!). My mom even jokes that not much has changed since I was five years old…I’m still cutting and gluing and making a mess in my home!
I’ve bought quite a few Teachers Pay Teachers products and I recently decided to open my own store on the website and post some of the materials that I have made. The store is called…you guessed it – ‘Tailor Made for Talking!’ There’s not much in the store at the moment but I’ll be adding products slowly 🙂
The latest product in the store is a Pirate themed language pack. I made these materials for a client on my caseload who has diagnoses of Autism and ADHD. His class is having an 8 week pirate unit in which they are going to be reading books about pirates and participating in all sorts of pirate themed educational activities.
Unfortunately, the books and activities are at a level that is too high for my client to take part in. I spent a bit of time after work one day creating some materials that will target his speech therapy goals and also help him to take part in the pirate themed unit. The targets that we have been working on are:
– attention and listening
– following auditory instructions
– colour vocabulary
Pirate Pete
The first thing that I made was an interactive book called ‘Pirate Pete’ to teach basic pirate vocabulary.

As I read the book, the child must listen to what I say and choose the correct picture to stick on the page. The story is simple and rhymes!
‘Pirate Pete Says…’ & ‘Pirate Pictures’
These are black and white worksheets that I made in order to develop skills in following auditory and written instructions The worksheets include all of the vocabulary that were used in Pirate Pete and there are 3 levels (4 worksheets for each level): 1 ICW, 2 ICWs, and 3 ICWs (For more information on Information Carrying Words/ICWs read my last post).
The Level 2 and Level 3 worksheets also give practice with colour vocabulary 🙂

Lastly, I made a treasure chest reward chart! My client works a lot better when he is being rewarded for good listening, good sitting, good looking etc. So this treasure chest reward chart is great! He gets a coin for good behaviours and then when he fills up the treasure chest he gets to play with a toy or game of his choice 🙂
You could also hide the gold coins around the room and go on a treasure hunt! Target prepositions by hiding coins ‘under’ or ‘on’ various objects 🙂
I hope I’ve inspired you to get creative! Check the product out in my TpT store. If you are looking for a way to unwind after work, I highly recommend an evening of laminating 😉